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Community Theatre to Improve Wellbeing Workshop 5.10.2011

The workshop will be held on in The Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre in Tampere (Hämeenpuisto 28 D, Tampere).


Art can be a powerful tool for empowering people and for discussing common issues. Working together can also motivate participators to develop their own wellbeing independently.

The project Voimaa taiteesta ("Arts for Empowerment") organizes Community Theatre to Improve Wellbeing Workshop in collaboration with Tampere University of Applied Sciences R&D and Education Services. The workshop will be facilitated by Daniel Maposa.

Daniel Maposa is a Zimbabwean theatre director known especially from the Theatre for Development organization Savanna Trust. The mission of Savanna Trust is to support the democratic development of Zimbabwean communities through the means of applied theatre.

The workshop will be held on Wednesday 5.10.2011 at 12:15 - 16:00 in The Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre in Tampere (Hämeenpuisto 28 D, Tampere).

The workshop is for 25 participators.

The cost of the workshop: 65 €

Registration for the workshop opens on Monday 22.8.2011 and closes on Friday 23.9.2011. The registration form

For further information:

Arts for Empowerment project is funded by Luova Suomi - Creative Industries Finland development programme (supported by the European Social Fund) in collaboration with the regional Luova Tampere creative economy development programme. The project is also funded by Laurea University of Applied Sciences and the city of Vantaa.


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