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Seminar for The Challenges and Possibilities of Applied Arts in Health Care 3.-4.10.2011

The project "Arts for Empowerment" organizes the seminar in the Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre Tampere (Hämeenpuisto 28 D, Tampere).

The seminar is a place for the applied arts and health care professionals to meet and explore different methods of using applied arts in health care and to hear interesting case studies from different countries. Practical workshops will introduce its participants to different methods of applied arts with cases from various forms of arts such as theatre, fine arts, film and environmental art.

The programme and the instructions for registration (in Finnish)

Arts for Empowerment project is funded by Luova Suomi - Creative Industries Finland development programme (supported by the European Social Fund) in collaboration with the regional Luova Tampere creative economy development programme. The project is also funded by Laurea University of Applied Sciences and the city of Vantaa.


More information:
Marjukka Lampo
Project assistant
Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre
33014 University of Tampere
gsm. +358 40 190 9744

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