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Bee fish swish their tails as they look at sunflowers.

Seminar: Exhibitions as Sites of Cultural Diversity 18-19.11.2010 in Turku

Turku University ; The Network for Research on Multiculturalism and Societal Interaction MCnet and the Department of General History organize a two day seminar in Turku on 18-19 November 2010.

The first day of the seminar "Exhibitions as Sites of Cultural Diversity" is held in English and is devoted in to discussion about the term "foreigness". On the second day the Forum of Museum Research assemles and the programme includes discussions both in Finnish and in English.

Both seminar days are free of charge and no registration is needed.

Exhibitions as Sites of Cultural Diversity - Foreignness, Thursday 18.11.2010
University of Turku, Sirkkala campus, Kaivokatu 12


10.15-10.25 Opening, Aikala, Historicum

10.25-11.15 Session 1 (chair Taina Syrjämaa)
• Marie-Sofie Lundström: "Even a negro should have the nose in its right
place." The reception of the paintor Hugo Backmansson´s Northern African
themes in Finnish art exhibitions during the first half of the twentieth

• Laura Boxberg: Constructing the Nordic collaboration. The 1962 Venice
Biennale and the question of Finnishness


11.15-12.15 lunch


12.15-13.30 Keynote lecture, Janus lecture hall
• Anders Ekström (Dr., Research Leader, History of Science and
Technology, School of Architecture and the Built Environment, KTH -
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm):
Exhibiting disasters: Transnational imaginaries in early twentieth
century popular visual culture


13.30-14.00 coffee


14.00-15.10 Session 2 (chair Marie-Sofie Lundström) Aikala, Historicum
• Hilde Nielssen & Sigrid Lien: Stories told through images: Photography
as an entrance to the colonial past
• Leila Koivunen: Exemplary foreignness. Founding of the Finnish Museum
of Arts and Crafts with Oriental flavours


15.10-15.30 break


15.30-17.15 Session 3 (chair Leila Koivunen) Aikala, Historicum
• Taina Syrjämaa: Hues of foreignness. Visitors´ descriptions of a
Finnish exhibition
• Marja-Terttu Kivirinta: Foreign (Finnish) manifestation and the French
(art) scene in 1900 and in 1908
• Anniina Lehtokari: Finnish Museum with foreign fixtures? Creating the
National Museum of Finland in the beginning of the 20th century
• Nika Potinkara: The self and the other: Representations of ethnicity
in Sámi museums.


The Forum of Museum Research, second seminar, Friday 19 November 2010 University of Turku, Sirkkala campus, Kaivokatu 12


10.00-11.15 Forumin avaus, Janus-sali
Tutkimusaiheiden esittely: 1. kokonaisuus
• Maija Koskinen: Taiteilijoiden talo - Helsingin Taidehalli suomalaisen
taidekentän rakentajana
• Mari Lehtosalo: KOMEA-hanke (Kotiseutumme mennyt aika)
• Magdalena Laine-Zamojska: Suomalaisten museoiden verkkonäyttelyt ja
kulttuurin monimuotoisuus. ViMuseo.fi hanke.


11.15-12.15 lounas (omakustanteinen)


12.15-13.30 Keynote lecture, Janus lecture hall
• Hilde Nielssen (Dr., Researcher, The Department of Linguistic,
Literary and Aesthetic studies, University of Bergen):
From Norway to the Ends of the World. Missionary contributions to
Norwegian images of "self" and "other"


13.30-14.00 kahvi (omakustanteinen) ja siirtyminen Porthan-salille,
Henrikinkatu 2


14.15-15.15 Tutkimusaiheiden esittely: 2. kokonaisuus, Porthan-sali
• Hanne Selkokari: Antiikkikauppias Henryk Bukowski, Stockholm
• Anna Jantunen: Theodor Schvindtin suomalainen museokokoelma Pietarissa
• Sirkku Pihlman: Museopuutarhaprosessit


15.15-15.30 tauko


15.30-16.30 Tutkimusaiheiden esittely: 3. kokonaisuus, Porthan-sali

• Marja-Liisa Rönkkö: Näyttely metodina/teoksena
• Outi Korhonen: Babel-pajat: kieliryhmien kohtaamisia Helsingin
• Ari Häyrinen: Anarkistisen tiedonhallinnan kautta innostuneisuuden


16.30-17.00 Forumin jatkosuunnitelmat

More information:
Taina Syrjämaa

Leila Koivunen


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