Ohita navigaatio


Bee fish swish their tails as they look at sunflowers.

Craft Museum of Finland produces tools to support nursing

Craft Museum of Finland has received a grant from the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment to employ young artists and other professionals in creative work. The museum has employed a 27-year-old Riina Töyrylä for six months starting first of September 2010. Riina's aim is to create two different kinds of tools to support nursing. The other tool is a remembering kit for the elderly which´s aim is to support the remembering the school times. The other tool is a first aid kit for clients in mental health rehabilitation and it's aim is to give positive picture both about art and craft and themselves as experiencing and creating art. More information in Finnish.

Contact information:

Riina Töyrylä
Craft Museum of Finland
riina.toyryla (a) jkl.fi
Tel. (+358) 40 76 46 749

Craft Museum of Finland
Kauppakatu 25, 40100 Jyväskylä
Tel. Office (+358) 14 26 64380
Tel. Info tue-su (+358) 14 26 64370


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