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Bee fish swish their tails as they look at sunflowers

International Congress of Maritime Museums in Esbjerg

The International Congress of Maritime Museums which will be held this year in the Fisheries and Maritime Museum in Esbjerg.
Further information on the programme and venues for the congress can be found on the website www.icmmonline.org. Online registration is being set up and will be running soon.



The International Congress of Maritime Museums and the Fisheries and Maritime Museum in Esbjerg invite you to join us for the ICMM 2009 Congress in Esbjerg, Denmark.

The Congress which takes place 5-9 October 2009 is entitled Understanding Change - Coping with Uncertainty and will deal with important issues such as audiences, collections, research and funding. Four well-known and internationally reputed keynote speakers will share their insights with the delegates of the Congress and four experienced colleagues will lead a series of ‘master class´ sessions - a new introduction to an ICMM Congress.

We have done our best to make the cost of the Congress as affordable as possible and we are now able to announce that the price for Early Birds (deadline 1 June 2009) will be 450 Euros while Late Comers (deadline 1 August 2009) will have to pay 500 Euros.

Esbjerg offers a variety of good hotels. The organizers have booked a number of hotel rooms at absolutely reasonable prices for your convenience (more details below). Furthermore the Esbjerg area offers a multitude of culture and nature which is worth exploring. A special programme for delegates´ partners is arranged for that purpose. Finally, of course, a Post Conference Tour is being arranged. We will examine the links between the North Sea and the Baltic 700AD-2000AD via an exciting tour to Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg. The Conference Dinner and the Post Conference Tour are optional, but we hope our delegates will want to join us for one or both.
You will find a lot more about the academic programme, the official programme and the venues, the accompanying partner´s programme and the optional elements of the Congress on the following pages where you will also find some useful information about Denmark and the Esbjerg area.

On behalf of the ICMM and the Fisheries and Maritime Museum I look forward to welcoming you to Esbjerg in October 2009.

Best regards
Morten Hahn-Pedersen
President of ICMM
CEO, the Fisheries and Maritime Museum, Esbjerg, Denmark

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