Reforms in the Finnish Culture for All pages
There is a new section "Accessibility Symbols" in the "Tietoa ja ohjeita" (Information and Instructions) part of our Finnish web pages. The accessibility symbols can be freely downloaded. All together 23 symbols and the international ISA-symbol (the International Symbol of Access) can support for example web and printed communication, when one wants to tell about the accessibility of different services.
The Culture for All Service has produced web publications (in Finnish, Swedish and English) about accessibility and cultural services since 2004. The publications are now listed by the publication year in the new section of our Finnish web pages, "Web Publications".
A new check list "Check list for accessible training/education" (in Finnish) is published in the "Tarkistuslistoja" (Check Lists) part of the Finnish web pages.
The guides "Accessible exhibition" (in Finnish) and "Accessible guided tour" (in Finnish) are updated and can be found from the "Oppaita" (Guides) section of our Finnish web pages. There is also a new section "Art books in Finnish plain language" in our Finnish web pages.