Guests from Vilna
How to make the museum environment more accessible? Where do the resources come from? Who are doing the work in this area? Finnish operation models were under examination when Jaroslav Vincevič, Rasa Kavaliauskaitė, Arnoldas Riekumas and Ginta Žemaitaitytė from Lithuanian disability organizations visited Helsinki on 25.-27. October.
Vilnius is the cultural capital of Europe in 2009, and that is why it is a good moment to examine various solutions in making environments more accessible. Päivi Tahkokallio from Stakes/Design for All Network had organized a visiting programme to several different locations in Helsinki. One of the locations was the Culture for All Service and the Ateneum Art Museum, which Sari Salovaara and Erica Othman were introducing. The communication and exchange of experiences is always pleasant and encouraging!