Living library goes virtual
The living virtual library is part of the programme for the European Year for Intercultural Dialogue 2008 in Finland. Living library is a method that aims to enhance interaction and dialogue between people.Ultimately the method aims to break down prejudices and stereotypes. Books in the living virtual library are ordinary people living around Finland but they all belong to groups that are often exposed to prejudice and easily stereotyped by other people. In Finland the Living Library method is coordinated by Finland's Youth Co-operation Allianssi. The Living Library can be found from the address: www.vuoropuhelu.fi/kysymitavaan You can ask questions in English, and they will be freely translated in to Finnish and then posed to the book. His or her answer will be freely translated in to English and back to you.
Further information:
Asta Rentola
Living Library Project Secretary
040 900 4894
Finland's Youth Co-operation - Allianssi ry
Further information about the method is available at: www.elavakirjasto.fi