Ohita navigaatio


Bee fish swish their tails as they look at sunflowers.

Intercultural Dialogue seminar on 13 May 2008

"INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE" - Challenges for the arts, cultural management and
cultural policy

Cupore's Cable Factory Talks is a series of discussions which explore
current topics in the field of culture. The aim of the events is to provide
a debate forum for researchers, experts and everybody interested in the

The third Cable Factory Talks take place withing the framework of the
European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008. The seminar focuses on
challenges that interculturalism brings forth in the cultural management and
urban planning.

The English-language seminar is held on 13 May 2008 14.30 pm - 18.00 pm at Cable Factory's Puristamo in Helsinki. The seminar is free of charge and open to everyone interested in the topic. Please register latest at 6th of May 2008 to

For more information: http://www.cupore.fi/cft3_eng.php
Minna Ruusuvirta
Foundation for Cultural Policy Research (Cupore)
Tallberginkatu 1 C 137
FIN 00180 Helsinki
Tel. + 358 (0)9 7746 0412
Fax. +358 (0)9 7746 0437

The discussion continues on the following day at Annantalo Arts Centre.
Professor Milena Dragicevic-Sesic, University of Arts Belgrade, speaks about
Culture as Resource: Art managers role in a intercultural and changing world
and the challenges for education.
Date and time: Wednesday May 14 2008, 10am-13pm
Venue: Annantalo, Annankatu 30, Helsinki
Registration: kulturproducent@sydvast.fi

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