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Bee fish swish their tails as they look at sunflowers.

Exhibition Animal Kingdom in Gallery Espoonsilta 1.-19.4.2008

Tia-Nina Munne´s exhibition Animal Kingdom on view in Gallery Espoonsilta 1.-19.4.2008. The exhibition is a colourful and fairytale like entity in which the painting´s little animals turn in to philosophers and discuss the wonders of life.

All the paintings in the exhibition are equipped with Braille and there are also some tactile paintings. In addition to visually disabled children other exhibition visitors can also gain multisensory experiences in the exhibition. A functional part included in the exhibition aims to unlock the content of the paintings and encourage one´s own artistic activities.

Opening: 1 st of April 2008 3 - 7 pm. Welcome!

Opening hours: tue - fri 9 am - 12.30 pm and 2 - 6 pm
sat 12 - 4 pm, sun closed.

The gallery is in Espoon keskus, located next to the Office Center on the same level as the skybridge over the railroads.

Address: Virastopiha 3, 02770 Espoo.

Group reservations tel: 0440 556918.

The Espoo City Cultural Affairs, The Finnish Arts Council and Näköpiste Polar Print Oy have supported the exhibition.

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