Näty welcomes applicants with disabilities and sign language users to the spring entrance exams
Could a disabled person or someone who uses sign language complete a five-year theater arts education and graduate as an actor? In Finland there are regrettably few disabled Masters of Theatre Arts and only one who uses sign language.
Theatre Arts degree program Näty at Tampere University trains actors and conducts research on acting. They aspire to improve the accessibility of actor training. In collaboration with the 'Making Space for Artistry' project, Näty has discussed how actor training could be open and accessible to everyone, including applicants with disabilities and sign language users.
In the spring 2024 admissions, Näty will pay special attention to ensuring that all types of applicants have the opportunity to participate in the entrance exams.
"You can easily get in touch with us if you need arrangements for the entrance exams, such as accessibility to materials, moving from one place to another, or time management. You can also bring a personal assistant to help with practical matters," encourages Näty's professor Pauliina Hulkko.
Constructing an accessible actor training system in Finland is new and unique. Therefore, there are no ready-made solutions yet, and not all of Näty's training facilities are entirely accessible. The most important thing is that the institution and the student share the same curious attitude that encourages exploring the nature and boundaries of the actor's profession and the art of acting.
University lecturer Samuli Nordberg from Näty wrote on the "Space for Artistry" project's website in spring 2023: "Art education changes through people. So, I genuinely welcome everyone, regardless of, for example, the applicant's gender or gender identity, ethnic background, possible disability, religion, or age, to participate in Näty's entrance exams if you are interested in versatile, unbiased, and responsible artistry and can operate in diverse language, cultural, and operational environments!" The whole text is available in Finnish on Tilaataiteilijuuteen.fi.
Applications for Näty's spring 2024 entrance exams are through joint application from January 3 to 17, 2024. The first step involves application and pre-tasks, and those invited to the subsequent phases will arrive in Tampere later in spring 2024. The pre-task has been published on December 11, 2023.
Check out the application guidelines for theater arts education and apply here! (Opintopolku.fi, in Finnish)