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The logo of the project Out of the Metropolis. Project name written in orange capital letters on a deep purple square.

Artists and Curators Working Together: How and With Whom?

Helsinki Seminar Program organized by The Finnish Museum of Photography, as part of the EU-project Out of the Metropolis.

Time: 15–16 February, 2024

Place: Konttori, The Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1 A, Helsinki (Note! The place has changed from The Finnish Museum of Photography to Konttori!)

Topic: The relationships between artists and curators. From viewing these relationships through the perspective of power dynamics, care, and sharing, the discussions during the seminar will raise questions about how artists and curators, as cultural agents, shape, manage, and nurture these collaborative relationships. 

The program is open to all and free of charge! Please register via the program link.

Culture for All Service's project "Making Space for Artistry" project leader Maija Karhunen has a dialogue with Satu Herrala at 11:30–12:10 (Theme: Artists and Curators - working with equity).

See the whole program here: Artists and Curators Working Together: How and With Whom? | Suomen valokuvataiteen museo (you'll move to the website of the Finnish Museum of Photography)

About the EU project "Out of the Metropolis"

The three-year project Out of the Metropolis - Art exchange across borders is initiated as a collaboration between NOUA (NO), Doubledummy (FR) and The Finnish Museum of Photography (FI). The project is made possible with the support of the Creative Europe Program of the European Union and the European Capital of Culture in 2024. For more information about the project, please visit: https://oootm.com/ (you'll move to the project's website).

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