- 17.11.2011
New Finnish Sourcebook of Art by People with Intellectual disabilities - 11.11.2011
Seminar about Absolutely abNormal issues in museum exhibitions 12.12.2011 - 21.9.2011
Carmen in Finnish sign language - 21.9.2011
New book in Finnish about tools for looking at images of artistic works - 19.9.2011
Multiculturalism in social studies seminar in Turku 20.10.2011 - 14.9.2011
Wisam and the Guests aims to break the preconceptions and stereotypes, which are connected to Africans - 12.9.2011
Call for Papers: International Seminar on Translation and Universal Accessibility 14.-15.12.2011 in Spain - 12.9.2011
Makers of tactile books needed - 9.9.2011
The Housing Agenda / Under the Bridge - Helsinki, programme of discussions at the Ateneum Art Museum 27.-28.09 - 6.9.2011
Seminar for The Challenges and Possibilities of Applied Arts in Health Care 3.-4.10.2011 - 6.9.2011
Community Theatre to Improve Wellbeing Workshop 5.10.2011 - 25.8.2011
Museum mediators - training for museum and heritage educators - 17.8.2011
Crazy days of diverse learning 4.10 2011 in Helsinki - 17.8.2011
New accessibility solutions at the Väärni Vicarage in Finland - 17.8.2011
Accessibility renewals at the Naïvists at Iittala - Summer Exhibition 2011 - 17.8.2011
Seminar for museums on common Finnish-Russian heritage 12.-14.9.2011 - 17.8.2011
The Multicultural Forum - Friday 9 September 2011, 13 ‐ 17 - 17.8.2011
Movement-based workshop 2.9.-3.9.2011 in Helsinki - 8.8.2011
Training in Finnish about the importance of art and culture for people with memory loss 30.8.2011 - 5.8.2011
CALL FOR PAPERS - 29.6.2011
New material added to the website - 22.6.2011
Nominations for the Jodi Awards are now open until 21.9.2011 - 20.6.2011
The Open and Learning Museum Conference in Tampere on 12.10.2011 - 10.6.2011
The Accessibility Award 2011 - 9.6.2011
Seminar in Finnish about cultural heritage and digital technology - 7.6.2011
The accessibility of Häme Medieval Fair is being developed - 27.5.2011
Culture for All Service renewed its webpages - 4.5.2011
Network meeting in Finnish about the well-being services and the third sector on 12.5.2011 in Helsinki - 4.5.2011
Circus for wellbeing seminar in Finnish in Helsinki 19.5.2011 - 2.5.2011
Training in Finnish about accessible communication on 25.5.2011 - 2.5.2011
Access for Disabled People workshop 24-25.5.2011 - 26.4.2011
Integration Forum 2011 - Russian-Speakers Cultural & Integration Experience - 21.4.2011
Ending seminar of the project Art Meets Care in Helsinki 11.5.2011 - 19.4.2011
Research about the accessibility of non-formal adult education in Finland - 13.4.2011
Open seminar on minorities and community art - 8.4.2011
Grants issued to museums´ multicultural projects - 7.4.2011
Absolutely abNormal exhibition coming in September 2011 - 23.3.2011
The first pilot project of the project Arts for Empowerment starts - 22.3.2011
Nordic conference on extending audience engagement 30.5.-1.6.2011 in Bergen - 22.3.2011
Accessibility improvements at the Purnu Art Center in Finland start this year - 22.3.2011
Seminar day in Finnish about culture and well-being in Tampere 7.4.2011 - 22.3.2011
A nordic conference Kultur för livet 2011 6-7.10.2011 in Malmö - 15.3.2011
Disability Film Festival KynnysKINO 13-17.4.2011 - 10.3.2011
The restoration of the Urho Kekkonen museum Tamminiemi continues and the accessibility of the museum will be improved - 10.3.2011
A new guide in plain language about the cultural services of the capital region in Finland - 10.3.2011
Finnish state aid for plain language literature, next application dl 31.3.2011 - 10.3.2011
Example about how to utilize voice in exhibitions and museum activies from Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova museum - 10.3.2011
Network meeting of art by people with learning disabilities in Turku on 11.4.2011 - 15.2.2011
Conference in Helsinki: Nordic Welfare Model and Globalization 5-6.4.2011 - 15.2.2011
Artistic impressions through touch - workshop and meeting 19.5.2011 - 10.2.2011
Accessible entrance to the Turku Castle - 10.2.2011
Free entrance to the Finnish Labour Museum Werstas from now on - 10.2.2011
How to found a new art workshop? guide in Finnish - 10.2.2011
Seminar Being international at home in Nordic countries 7.-12.6.2011 in Helsinki - 10.2.2011
Grants for art projects promoting multiculturalism admitted - 31.1.2011
A new relationship between audience and theatre - 26.1.2011
Accessible Arts Event: Club Utopia in Helsinki