- 1.12.2010
Two publications in Finnish about museum services for people with mental health problems - 1.12.2010
New guide in Finnish for media and art educators about children´s rights and the use of visual images - 1.12.2010
Tuntumaa - An Exhibition For All Senses opens in Iiris 7 December 2010 - 30.11.2010
Guide for accessible university studies released - 30.11.2010
Nordic art education seminar Culture Radar in Jyväskylä 11.-12.2.2011 - 30.11.2010
The acoustic solutions of a library, Avaava News 5/2010 - 30.11.2010
Magazine All aboard! - the salutogenic museum published - 2.11.2010
Theme days for museum professionals in Finland 20.-21.1.2010 - 1.11.2010
Accessible entrance to Sibelius´s Ainola - 1.11.2010
Seminar: Exhibitions as Sites of Cultural Diversity 18-19.11.2010 in Turku - 27.10.2010
Call for Papers: Disability and Public Space 28-29.4.2011 in Oslo - 26.10.2010
Dance theatre piece Kaleidoscope in Helsinki 29.10-4.11.2010 - 15.10.2010
Ylös-project presents Finnish seminar on applied theatre and audience work 15.11.2010 - 13.10.2010
More aboard! Seminar about accessibility in Vasa Museum, Stockholm 29.11.2010 - 13.10.2010
Grant for Finnish municipalities for developing the accessibility cultural services - 7.10.2010
Info day on accessibility 4.11.2010 in Turku - 7.10.2010
BLOG: Equal Access to museums for vision impaired people - 4.10.2010
Sinebrychoff Art Museum arranges program during the Art Beyond Sight Awareness Month - 24.9.2010
Craft Museum of Finland produces tools to support nursing - 24.9.2010
Crazy days of diverse learning 5.10.2010 - 23.9.2010
Finnish National Opera works with groups which requires special attention - 21.9.2010
Discussion event in Stoa Gallery about a disabled person as an artist 23.9.2010 - 20.9.2010
TUNTUMAA art exhibition touring in Pori, Helsinki and Hämeenlinna - 17.9.2010
European Comission has released a study on youth access to culture in Europe - 16.9.2010
Grants for promoting the accessibility of culture - 16.9.2010
Somalia's history and culture, lectures in finnish - 27.8.2010
Seminar in Finnish: Work, Health and Art 28.9.2010 in Espoo - 27.8.2010
New book by Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova Museum discusses about voice - 25.8.2010
International standard for designing web pages supports also cultural service providers - 25.8.2010
Call for Papers: Exhibitions as sites of cultural diversity - 25.8.2010
Cable Factory Talks 9.9.2010: Making Art and Multiculturalism - 25.8.2010
New publication: The New Museum Community - 25.8.2010
New book: Narratives of Community: Museums and Ethnicity - 2.8.2010
Modifications in the law promote the accessibility of television programmes in Finland - 22.6.2010
Outputs of the From the Margins to the Core? Conference - 17.6.2010
Call for papers: Open Access to Science Information - 8.6.2010
Museum guides got acquainted with the world of audio description - 7.6.2010
Accessible entrance examinations for the universities of art and culture - 24.5.2010
Conference about museums and visually impaired people 13-14.10.2010 - 24.5.2010
Festival of the International Organization on Arts and Disability 6-12.6.2010 - 24.5.2010
Jodi Awards 2010 for accessible cultural websites and digital media - 24.5.2010
Call for papers: Defining and experiencing foreignness in Nordic exhibitions - 12.5.2010
New audio guide in Finnish plain language presents Ateneum´s classic works of art - 3.5.2010
OmaPolku Art Workshop Focused on North American Indian Cultures - 27.4.2010
A Finnish project develops cultural services for groups with special needs - 20.4.2010
Espoo Modern Art Museum's project for children living in SOS Children's Village - 20.4.2010
Conference: The Art of Having an Audience 2010 - 13.4.2010
A theme day about the role of sports in national health work - 7.4.2010
Re-presenting Disability - New book tackles the portrayal of disability in museums and galleries - 29.3.2010
EMMA continues its art project for elderly people - 29.3.2010
Doctoral thesis about drama suitable for special education and care - 24.3.2010
Feelings about a theatre performance interpreted in to sign language - 15.3.2010
Seminar about accessibility and cultural heritage 23.3.2010 - 2.3.2010
Research: The role of communal art activities in increasing the well-being of young people - 2.3.2010
From the Margins to the Core? Conference in London - 2.3.2010
A new guided tour designed for visually impaired people in EMMA - 10.2.2010
Culture for All Service is expanding - 9.2.2010
A new publication: Accessibility to Cultural Heritage - Nordic Perspectives - 9.2.2010
Innovation for All conference 20.-21.5.2010 - 4.2.2010
The new Finnish Art and culture for well-being programme - 4.2.2010
Art on loan to improve well-being in care institutions - 4.2.2010
Liljevalchs Art Gallery has a new ramp - 4.2.2010
A Nordic conference on working strategically with audiences