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Seminar Day 3.11.2016

The seminar day will be arranged in Media Centre Lume, Sampo Hall, address Hämeentie 135 C, Helsinki.


The videos of the seminar day on YouTube


The programme of the seminar day will be streamed at 9:00-10:45 a.m. and 1:00-4:00 p.m. through this link. We will try to ensure that the sign language interpretation is visible in the stream.


Host for the forenoon: Pekka Heikkinen

Host for the afternoon: Wisam Elfadl

8.20–9.00 Registration

8.55–9.00 Descriptive audio

The descriptive audio will be heard through the speakers in the beginnig of seminar at 8.55-9.00. The descriptive audio describes for example what Sampo Hall looks like. The descriptive audio is in Finnish, but you can listen to it interpreted to English through headphones. The descriptive audio continues (only in Finnish) during the presentations, and you can listen to it through the headphones.

9.00–9.10 Opening the seminar

Pekka Heikkinen, host for the forenoon
Rita Paqvalén, Executive Director, Culture for All
On behalf of the working group Eija-Liisa Markkula, chair,  Näkövammaisten Kulttuuripalvelu (Cultural Service for the Visually Impaired)

9.10–9.40 Keynote: MegaMind – 100 % for All

Mariana Back, Intendent, Curator, Eva Gustafson, Head of Education and Anna Velander Gisslén, Communications Officer, Tekniska museet (the National Museum of Science and Technology), Stockholm, Sweden (Year 2016 museum of Sweden)

MegaMind is the biggest and most complicated development work ever in the National Museum of Science and Technology. The theme of the exhibition is based on brain research. From the beginning of the project the starting points in the work have been values 100% for All and Together. Besides the high level of accessibility, the biggest added value the National Museum of Science and Technology can give to the culture field are the experiences which have come from the work. In the project the museums run into challenges and had to learn many new things. But above all, it confirmed us the importance of inclusive approach. After all, 'for all' is about democracy, which all of us have right to.
Keynote: MegaMind – 100 % for All [PDF]

9.40–9.50 Comment

Sami Virtanen, Special Advisor on Accessibility, The Finnish Federation of Hard of Hearing

9.50–10.00 Questions from the audience

10.00–10.45 The presentation of the preliminary workshops

  • Aura Linnapuomi: Kaikki soittaa! (Everybody Is Playing!)
  • Anssi Ahlgrén: Näyttelyn saavutettavuuden kehittämistyöpaja  (The Development of Accessibility in Exhibition)
  • Anssi Ahlgrén: Dialogi ajassa ja ikääntyminen näyttelykokemuksena (Dialogue with Time and Aging as an Exhibition Experience)
  • Mervi Leivo: Tarinakaruselli - digitaalinen sanataidepeli (Story Carousel - a Digital Literary Art Game)
  • Tanja Rantalainen: Esteettömyys elokuvateatterissa (Accessibility in Movie Theater)
  • Video from Me itse vaikutamme (We Ourselves Influence) film workshop
  • Rauno Huttunen: Käsinkosketeltavia esineitä 3D-skannauksella ja -tulostuksella (Items to Be Touched with Hands by 3D-scanning and 3D-printing)
  • Abigail Hirsch: Objects of Curiosity : Access to Exhibitions
  • Sally Davison: All bodies speak: Workshop and presentation of the DanceAbility method
  • Javier Jiménez Dorado: STARTIT. A digital tool and mobile app for accessibility in performing arts

10.45–11.00 Moving into discussion groups

11.00–12.00 Round table discussions

Round table discussion will be held in Sampo Hall, the lobby of Sampo Hall and other places. To be specified later.

1. Is the Accessibility of Culture Also Meant for People with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity?

Työterveyslaitos (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health) and Turun ammattikorkeakoulu (Turku University of Applied Sciences) published an article 'Ten Answers about Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity'. In the article is told, that electromagnetic hypersensitivity often leads a lower capacity to act. The person with electromagnetic hypersensitivity usually has difficulties to act near electronics or electrical devices. That can cause an access problem which disturbs working and free time. Cultural services are not accessible for 35% of people with the electromagnetic hypersensitivity. What could be done to enable people with the electromagnetic hypersensitivity to use culture?
Organizer: Turku University of Applied Sciences / The Environmental Illness in Society Project
Introducer and moderator: Marjukka Hagström / Turku University of Applied Sciences
Language of the discussion: Finnish

2. E-Services of Libraries And Accessibility 

Digitalization strongly affects the services and collections of libraries. The topic of discussion is how to pay attention to accessibility in digital services. What does the non-discrimination act mean in the e-services of the libraries? How is it assured that all the readers are able to use e-materials? What are accessible e-books and the accessible e-journals? How do all the clients of libraries benefit from accessibility?
Organizers: Celia and City Library of Helsinki, Project Kirjasto viestii saavutettavasti (“Library communicates accessibly”)
Moderators: Jaakko Tiinanen from City Library of Helsinki, Project Kirjasto viestii saavutettavasti (“Library communicates accessibly”) and Kirsi Ylänne from Celia
Language of the discussion: Finnish. Interpretation to Sign Language.

3. Whose Living Heritage?

Finland ratified UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2013. The spirit of the Convention requires communities to have a central role in identifying and defining intangible cultural heritage. Whose living heritage are we talking about, and how different kinds of actors can be engaged to the process? In which ways does the electronic communication work in the process? How can the newly opened wiki-inventory of living heritage promote this process?
Organizer: National Board of Antiquities
Moderator: Leena Marsio / National Board of Antiquities
Language of the discussion: Finnish, Swedish or English. The language of the discussion will be decided with participants in the beginning of the discussion.

4. The Utilization of Augmented Reality in Cultural Environments

Are we able in Finland to utilize solutions of augmented reality in cultural environments? Whom do we listen to when planning the services in the cultural environments? Would audience like to use the solutions of the augmented reality in the cultural environments? Can the solutions improve accessibility? The moderator of discussion Anna-Kaisa Ek is preparing a doctoral thesis study on augmented reality in cultural environment learning.
Organizer and moderator: Anna-Kaisa Ek / postgraduate in Jyväskylän yliopisto (University of Jyväskylä)
The language of the discussion: English. Speech-to-text interpretation in English.

5. Program or be programmed

It's more and more important to understand programming. The programming is not important only because of employment in future and for developing mathematical brainwork. The programming affects directly and indirectly society, equality and culture. Is the programmed society built in monoculture, which is formed by programmers, without public debate? How minorities, diverse learners etc. are taken into account in programs? Does digitality reproduce created distinctions, does it emphasize them, or can it create a totally new culture? In the discussion will be also taken account the significance of practical subjects and art-subjects in the development of comprehension.
Organizers: Artsequal/ Arts@School project and Aalto-yliopisto (Aalto University), School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Art
Moderator: Michihito Mizutani, Aalto University
The language of the discussion: English

6. How Do Streaming and Remote Participation Increase Accessibility?

For whom a streaming is made or is worth making? What is the surplus value of the streaming and a remote participation, and how does it increase accessibility? What does the accessibility really mean in the remote participation? Do the resources, which have been reserved for audience development, go to companies which offer streaming services?
Introductions: Marianna Lehtinen / Tampereen filharmonia (Streaming of Sibelius Concert for the Schools by Tampere Filharmonia), together with service 'Mukana' (With) and Sanna Vuolteenaho / Metropolia amk (Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences), Project named Virtual Musical Playschool; Virtual Aspects for Early Musical Education
Moderator: Silva Siponkoski / Helsingin Seniorisäätiö
The language of the discussion: Finnish

7. Structured Art Experience Without Sense Overload

Many children with special needs can concentrate better on different cultural fields with picture structures, so-called social stories. With a picture figure it's possible to show with different phases what is going on. That is like a schedule represented with the picture figure. E.g. if an exhibition is situated in different rooms, each room can have its' own picture. Like that a child knows how many rooms there are. Otherwise it can be unclear for the child, whether the exhibition ever finishes. We discuss also our own senses, and what can the overload of sense experience mean, and where it can lead to.
Organizers: Folkhälsan Välfärd Ab (a non-governmental organisation in the social welfare and health care sector), Center for Complementary Communication and pedagogics; In cooperation with Luckan (The Finland-Swedish Information and Cultural Centre)
Moderator: Johan Palmén, Folkhälsan
The language of the discussion: Swedish or Finnish, depenging on the participants. Interpretation to English. 

8. Service design and co-design in developing accessibility and study opportunities

How can service design be used in the development of accessibility and equality of adult education centres? How to plan together and co-design with students and potential students? What kind of advantages can co-designing of the services and activities of the adult education centre give?
Organizer: Wellamo Community College
Introduction: Sara Ikävalko: Using service design in adult education centres and in the development of the curriculum
Johanna Rajala / Wellamo Community College
Language of the discussion: Finnish

9. Digitalization as a priority and the accessibility of culture

Digitalization is one of the priorities of Finnish government. What does it mean from the viewpoint of the accessibility of culture? How does digitalization develop the accessibility of culture, and on the other hand, what kind of challenges we face?
Organizers: The Culture for All Service in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Culture
Moderator: Rita Paqvalén, The Culture for All Service
Language: Finnish or English; the language will be decided together with the participants

10. Open theme

Is there an important theme that is lacking in the program? Would you like to share some of your own ideas or to discuss thoughts provoked by the program? In this discussion, the participants can raise questions they find especially interesting or highlight ideas and thoughts that have occurred during the forum. Topics can be anything related to culture, technology, and accessibility! Together, participants will choose some of the themes for further discussion.
Organizer: Culture for All
Moderators: Aura Linnapuomi and Sari Salovaara / Culture for All
Language: Finnish or English; the language will be decided together with the participants. Interpretation to English or Finnish depending on the language chosen.

12.00–13.00 Lunch

A light lunch is included into the price of the seminar, and is served in the upper foyer of the Sampo Hall.

13.00–13.15 Conclusions of the round table discussions

at Sampo Hall

13.15–13.55 Case presentations

Viittomakielinen kirjasto verkossa (Sign Language eLibrary of Finland)

Riitta Vivolin-Karén, Kuurojen liitto ry (The Finnish Association of the Deaf) / Sign Language eLibrary of Finland
Sign Language eLibrary was opened in 2014. It offers material in accordance with library act in sign language, and collects and publishes sign language culture. The material of the library consists of videos in sign language in which most have been translated in Finnish. The library is open for everybody. In 2015 the library received a 'Jodi Awards' accessibility award.

The presentation is in Finnish Sign Language.

Helmet.fi-kirjaston sivustouudistus (Website Reform of Helmet.fi Library)

Iina Soininen, Helmet.fi
Helmet.fi is a service website of libraries in metropolitan area. It is published in four languages. Helmet.fi is reforming in stages during this year. How are we able to make a website which would serve every user as well as possible? What kind of situations and practical problems of accessibility do we meet when reforming the website, and how do we solve them?

Website Reform of Helmet.fi Library [PDF, in Finnish]

Kulttuurin monimuotoinen kokeminen kommunikoinnin näkökulmasta (The diverse ways to experience culture from the viewpoint of communication)

Timo Heiskala, Evantia
The presentation explores experiencing and creating culture by the means of digitalization. Dialog is also possible for those, who need augmentative and alternative communication methods.

13.55–14.05 Disability and technology

Jenni-Juulia Wallinheimo-Heimonen, textile artist

14.05–14.40 Coffee break

14.40–15.30 Case presentations

Research and Interdisciplinary Communication as Key Factors in Technological Development

Jaakko Lenni-Taattola / Tutkivan teatterityön keskus (Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre) and Josette Bushell-Mingo / Tyst teatern (Silent theatre, Sweden)
Centre for Practise as Rechearch in Theatre and Riksteatern (idea based cultural organization) are coordinating a network project named TNT - Theatre & New Technology. Lenni-Taattola presents new technological development work, which requires a new technological and artistic communication. Josette Bushell-Mingo presents a creative technology-based work, which Tyst teatern (Silent Theatre) has done together with Sign Language users.

Oopperan teetanssien suoratoistot hoivakoteihin (Opera's Tea Dances by Streaming to sheltered homes)

Lauri Pokkinen, Finnish National Opera and Ballet
There have been organized Tea Dances on first Wednesday in every month in the lobby of the Finnish National Opera. During one year Opera's tea dances have been transmitted by streaming to sheltered homes. Like that it's possible to organize the dances around Finland at one time.
Video about the Opera's Tea Dances on YouTube


Javier Jiménez Dorado, TEATRO ACCESIBLE
Teatro Accesible is a Spanish project that tries to bring culture closer to people with sensory and intellectual disabilities through subtitling, audio description, magnetic induction systems, sign language and other services. These services are provided by means of STARTIT technology. This project also contributes to labor market inclusion of people with mental disorders.


15.30–15.45 Discussion

15.45–15.55 Summary

Marjo Mäenpää, Director, CUPORE - The Finnish Foundation for Cultural Policy Research

16.00 The Seminar day ends

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