Queer History Month 2020

The Queer History Month of Finland will be celebrated for the third time in November. The purpose of the month is to review Finnish history and culture from a queer perspective and include the queer narratives into our common cultural heritage.
The history of sexual and gender minorities has always existed and been present during all times, cultures and social classes, but it has mostly been written out or silenced. To find it requires sensibility and ability to see differently. We challenge you and your organisation to take part in making the silenced history our shared cultural heritage!
Queer History Month is an event series that is open to everyone. You can participate in the celebration in many different ways, for example by arranging an event in your own organization, online or by making the month visible through your own communication channels.
The Queer History Month Opening on 1.11. at Zoom
The whole program
Program on the website of Queer History Month (in Finnish)
How to join?
- Share and highlight the material of your organisation in your premises or on your website and social media
- Share information about Queer History Month in social media with hashtags #QueerhistoriskMånad #sateenkaarihistoriakuukausi #QueerHistoryMonth or at the Facebook page of Queer History Month.
The month is realised through the funding of participating organizations. The main organiser is Sateenkaarihistorian ystävät ry / Queerhistoriens vänner rf (The friends of queer history association). The coordinator is The Finnish Labour Museum Werstas.
50 years since decriminalisation in 2021
As we celebrate this year’s Queer History Month, it is also worth thinking about the next year’s anniversary. Next year it will be 50 years since homosexual acts were decriminalised in Finland. We would like to see the anniversary visible in the activities of memory institutions and cultural organisations in 2021.
More information
The Finnish Labour Museum Werstas
Ulla Rohunen, 050-440 1157, ulla.rohunen@tyovaenmuseo.fi.
Queer History Month on Facebook