Project: Potential – Promoting gender and culture sensitive career guidance

The project focuses particularly on producing easily approached and practical educational materials for gender and culture sensitive career guidance
The aim is to raise awareness, and to transform the awareness about the gender and culture bias in career guidance into good practices to counteract it. The results of our development work will be disseminated in educational institutions and in guidance services nationally.
In this project, segregation is approached via an intersectional approach, taking into account the people’s multiple social differences and how they jointly constitute social positions. Educational and vocational choices differ even based on age, ethnic background and social class. In order to combat segregation, there is a need for a holistic gender and culture sensitive approach to career guidance. Our perception of gender is diverse, taking into account gender minorities.
Potential is created by
Finland Futures Research Centre/University of Turku (coordinator), Häme University of Applied Sciences, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finnish Youth Research Society, Foundation for studies and education research (OTUS).
Contact info
Sari Miettinen, project manager
Potential – Promoting gender and culture sensitive career guidance (2019–2021) is partly funded by European Social Fund via Ministry of Social Affairs and Health