Vimma prize to Tiitu Takalo

Honorary Vimmas to Sekasin activities and Riikka Hänninen.
Comic artist Tiitu Takalo won this year’s Vimma prize. Takalo’s comic novel Memento mori (2020) tells about cerebral haemorrhage.
Sekasin activities and community with TV-series, books, and chat service for young people has been especially important during the pandemic.
Loitsu-Vimma (“Chant Vimma”) was given to singer Riikka Hänninen, who performed in Voice of Finland tv-program with powerful and magical folk poem Täs’ on nainen.
Vimma prize is given every year to a person, who has been promoting political disability art in Finland. The Finnish word "vimma" means enthousiasm, fury, or frenzy. The Disability Culture Award includes a EUR 5,000 working grant donated by Tukilinja.
The prize is given by The Threshold Association (Kynnys ry) and Tukilinja every year on 3rd December, the International Day of People with Disabilities.