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#StopHatredNow coming soon!

#stophatrednow campaign ad, black text on mint green bottom

#StopHatredNow 2024 program is out! The event will take place on 13-15 May 2024.

In mid-May you have a chance to enjoy artistic content, follow keynote lectures by established and emerging experts alike, and listen to panel discussions with topics varying from Finnish cultural policy to indigenous justice and from representations on Nordic stages to changing ecosystems of art. The program also includes a multitude of workshops with limited capacity – make sure to reserve your spot early!

#StopHatredNow is completely free of charge and the events take place onsite in Helsinki, Espoo, and online in Zoom. Check the details at the event's website (stophatrednow.fi).

#StopHatredNow is an intercultural and anti-racist week-long platform organised once a year in collaboration with several art and intercultural organisations.

The platform strives to create discourse and offers tools to create a more inclusive, diverse and feminist art field; inclusivity, diversity, non-discrimination, accessibility and social as well as ecological sustainability are issues that determine the future of every art and cultural institution. 

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