Workshop: Proudly present yourself and your artistic work!
Time: Wednesdays 4th and 11th of October 2023 from 6 pm to 8 pm
Venue: Online meeting on Zoom
What kind of artistic work do you do? Can you answer this question in a few sentences? Can you answer in such a way that someone gets interested in you and your work? Can you tell what makes your art look/sound like you?
An interesting and telling description of your artistic work is an important key to visibility and new job opportunities. You need it in grant applications, portfolios, event announcements, everywhere.
Welcome to work on an introductory text or speech about your artistic work! This workshop is aimed at disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users.
The workshop has two parts: in the first session Anne Sjöroos talks about impostor syndrome, which no less than 70% of us have experienced! It's a feeling that you aren't good enough, but this feeling is at odds with reality. Come to find out whether you have a little cheater inside you and how to defeat it! Anne is the production manager of the Cooperative Ursa Minor. She has years of experience working with artists and entrepreneurship.
Between the sessions you will work on your own presentation. In the second session you will receive encouraging feedback on your presentation text or speech, and together we will explore what kind of words bring out the uniqueness of your work. This session is guided by Riikka Hänninen who is a singer and musician.
Book both Wednesdays 4th and 11th for this workshop!
The workshop will be held in Finnish and in Finnish Sign Language.
There are places for the first 20 who sign up. The workshop is free of charge.
Please register latest on 3rd October to Riikka Hänninen:
Email: riikka@tilaataiteilijuuteen.fi
tel. 050-3080 232
When registering, please let us know if your language is sign language, so we know how to put interpreters in the right groups.
Making space for artistry
The workshop is offered by the project Making space for artistry. It is funded by the Kone Foundation. The aim of the project is to increase professional opportunities and equity of disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users. The project goes on from 2022 to February 2024. It is coordinated by Culture for All and the Cultural Association Finland’s EUCREA.