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Flashlight on plants.
Illustration: Alexandra Burda.

Diversity workshop for libraries

Welcome to diversity online workshop to learn about equity on Tuesday 28.11.2023 at 13-15.

How we as library workers could contribute to a more equal society? What can an individual worker do? What can be done on the level of the organisation?

Educators are Diversity Agents Nuura Naboulsi and Kemê Pellicer, Diversity Expert Arlene Tucker (Culture for All Service) will moderate. 

The workshop will be in Finnish and English.

Please sign up by Friday 24.11.2024 at 16:00 using this form: Moninaisuustyöpaja 28.11.

More information

About the content of the workshop: Arlene Tucker: arlene.tucker@cultureforall.fi, tel. 045 1160 518 

About the registration: Minna Mohr: minna.mohr@hel.fi , tel.  09 3103 2323

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