DiDa 2023 Cultural festival is back!

This year the theme of the festival is nature.
TIME: Friday 1.12. from 16 to 20
LOCATION: Oodi Central Library, Maija Hall (1st floor), Töölönlahdenkatu 4, Helsinki.
DiDa - Disability Day Art & Action festival takes a backup start and invites you to celebrate the annual UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3 December). Free admission for all.
Surrounding by the coming winter weather, nature comes alive in the interpretations of disabled and sign language artists. Come and experience an international festival experience. Come and listen to or watch a musical spectrum, fierce poetry, tickling humour, silent but loud performance and feel the rhythms of dance.
The programme includes among others Kaiunsäde, a musical expression of high quality, Noora Karjalainen's visual and physical Growth performance and Nilas Lindell's Nunatak - liikkellinen runo tiloista.
The evening will culminate in the exciting Vimma Disability Culture Award ceremony.
The programme will be updated soon on www.disabilityday.net/en and social media!
The Maijansali is a fully accessible venue.
Accessible toilets are located on floor -1 and floors 2 and 3. There are 3 lifts in the Oodi.
During the whole event there will be: written interpretation, audio description and sign language interpretation into Finnish sign language.
Live stream
You can also follow the event live online. The link will be updated later on DiDA's social media and website.
Pre-event 22.11.
Pre-event EMMA Talks: Appreciating equality and art at EMMA - Espoo Museum of Modern Art on Wed 22.11. at 17.30, more information: EMMA Talks: Appreciating equality and art
The festival is organised by The Threshold Association, Tukilinja foundation, Culture for All Service and Cultural association Finland’s EUCREA.
More information
For more information, contact the event's producer couple Taru Perälä and Satu Kankaanpää: info.disabilityday@gmail.com / Taru Perälä, tel. +358407342345
Programme changes are possible.
Follow us
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DiDay
Instagram: @didafestival
#DiDa2023 #DidaDareToBeDifferent #DisabilityDay