Culture for All thanks all our partners for the past year and wishes a Happy New Year 2022!
Dear members, partners, collaborators, friends and neighbours!
The Culture for All Service thanks all our partners for 2021! Hopefully, next year we will also be able to meet each other face to face, both in terms of work and great cultural experiences. The Culture for All Service recently received good news. Next year we will have safer opportunities to promote Kaiku Card activities and in particular the work of artists with disabilities. For now, we wish you a peaceful New Year!
Here is a YouTube video greeting from our staff:
The languages spoken in the video are Finnish, Swedish and English. In addition, the Sami languages, Mandarin and Finnish Sign Language are also used. The video has subtitles/captions in Finnish, Swedish and English. You can choose the language you prefer using YouTube’s settings.
Description of the video: The video begins with a short introduction by Maija Karhunen in Finnish, Rita Paqvalén in Swedish, Arlene Tucker in English and Seppo Mallenius using Finnish sign language. After that, there is a fireworks section where the staff of the Culture for All Service (Arlene, Sari, Mira, Aura, Marjo O.-K., Rita, Marjo R. and Seppo) and Santa wish you a Happy New Year in different languages. Clips of the video were filmed in various locations. Seppo Mallenius edited the video.
Warm regards,
Culture for All Service’s staff Arlene, Aura, Maija, Marjo O-K., Marjo R., Mira, Outi, Rita, Sari and Seppo