The programme offers short case study presentations, discussions and workshops, and takes place over two days. The first day is reserved for presentations and discussions. On the second day, participants may take themed excursions to museums in Berlin, plus in-depth studies, further talks and workshops.
Please note: This is a draft programme. Changes are possibile. The programme will be updated to this website.
Day 1: Monday 16th October 2017
Venue: The Finnish Institute, Georgenstr. 24, 10117 Berlin
8:30 Registration, coffee
9:15 Welcome
Moderation: Dr. Alina Gromova (The Jewish Museum Berlin) and Eeva Rantamo (Kulturprojekte – Inklusive Kulturarbeit, Cologne)
Laura Hirvi, Director, The Finnish Institute
Anja Hoffmann, Chairwoman, The Federal Association of Museum Education
Case Studies and discussions: Strategic approach to equality in museums
9:30 Building an Inclusive Museum Experience in Ateneum Art Museum
Satu Itkonen, Head of Public Programmes
Ateneum Art Museum / Finnish National Gallery, Helsinki
Comment: Sari Salovaara, Senior Specialist
The Culture for All Service, Finland
10:00 Inclusion, Diversity and Co-operational Development at The Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany, Bonn
Birgit Tellmann, Head of the Framework Programme Inclusion
The Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of
10:30 Accessible Museums - The Accessibility Strategy and Plan of The Turku Museum Centre
Pia Hovi-Assad, Interaction Designer
The Museum Centre of Turku
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Panel discussion with the audience
Moderation of the panel discussion: Rita Paqvalén (Executive Director, Culture For All Service, Finland)
12:00 Lunch break
Case Studies and discussions: Diversity and inclusion in the work of museums
13:30 Living diversity and inclusion in the cultural-historical centre „kult" in Westmünsterland
Corinna Endlich, Director
„kult“ – Culture and Living Tradition, Vreden
14:00 Participatory museum – diversity in action
Ilona Niinikangas, Educational Curator and Suado Jama, Project Worker
Helinä Rautavaara museum
14:30 On the way to an inclusive museum. Strategies and experiences.
Dr. Carola Rupprecht, Head of the Museums Education and Communication
German Hygiene Museum, Dresden
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Panel discussion with the audience
Moderation of the panel discussion: Pirjo Hamari (Director of Development, National Board of Antiquities, Finland)
16:00 Summing-up, concluding remarks
19:00 Dinner in a restaurant
Day 2: Tuesday 17th October 2017
9:00 Museum excursions (alternative options)
9:00 nGbK - neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst e.V.
Address: Oranienstraße 25, 10999 Berlin. Meeting point: Main entrance
Host: Stefanie Wiens
“Platz da!” - make room for art mediators with “disabilities”
The outreach concept “Platz da!” („Give way! Make room!“) begins with the question: who actually mediates art and do how perspectives change if these are persons with disabilities. The project developed by Stefanie Wiens initially addresses female mediators – the women who attend to the works exhibited at the nGbK and who would like to develop their own outreach strategies. Together with the visitors, they break new ground when approaching art.
9:00 Berlinische Galerie - Museum of Modern Art.
Address: Alte Jakobstraße 124–128, 10969 Berlin. Meeting point: Main entrance
Host: Michaela Englert
The project “Culture with all senses”
The project Kultur mit allen Sinnen (Culture with all senses) is a collaboration between Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband and Berlinische Galerie . It´s aim is to improve access to the museum and its collection for blind and vision-impaired visitors. During a process of two years, blind and partially sighted people that are experts on accessibility and museum´s staff worked together in a quest for finding practical implementation possibilities for the three fields of orientation, audio guide and tactile media. Reiner Delgado (DBSV) and Michaela Englert (BG) will present the outcome of the project including an app, tactile models and a guidance system,which will be published in October 2017.
9:00 FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum, Adalbertstraße 95A, 10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg. Meeting point: Main entrance
Host: Stefanie Kuhn
Exhibitions “ortsgespräche” and “ferngespräche”
The exhibition “ortsgespräche” (“Local calls”/ local talk) illustrates the history of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg by presenting single places of the district. These places tell of arrival and integration, of discrimination and exploitation, of political and social conflict, of work and leisure time. The many memories of the history of these places are as different as are the people living in this city. Their memories may corroborate or contradict each other. The exhibition “ortsgespräche” strives to do justice to this diversity of voices.
“Ferngespräche” (“Long-distance calls”/ talk on faraway countries) is an expansion of this exhibition. Here, as new Berlin citizens, refugees in their roles as new citizens of Berlin present their personal views on the city and the district they live in. In three series of workshops and in co-operation with video- and performance artists the participants produce twelve video collages on remembrance, participation and the long lasting process of arrival.
10:30 Lunch break (independently)
12:00 Welcome to The Jewish Museum Berlin
Léontine Meijer-van Mensch, Programme Director
Venue: The Jewish Museums Berlin, Lindenstraße 9-14, 10969 Berlin
12:15 Guided tours at the Jewish Museum Berlin
Tour 1: Judaism, Christianity and Islam: A Cultural Historical Comparison
This Tour looks into the historical relationships between religions and sensitizes to the roles of religious minorities in a majority-Christian Europe.
Tour 2: Architectural Observations
Can architecture give a special form to Jewish identity? In pursuing this question, this tour inside and around the museum building gives instructive insights into the volatile history of Jewish life.
Tour 3:Through the Museum in Seven-League Boots
This tour seeks out selected locations and themes that highlight the primary features of the exhibition and offers visitors an overview of the history of Jewish settlements and culture in Germany from late antiquity through the present.
13:30 Future Lab: Inclusion as a Strategy for the Future Museum
Moderation: Dr. Alina Gromova and Eeva Rantamo
Table 1: Review: Where are we now? Inclusion, Diversity and Equality in current Finnish and German museums.
Host: Heidi Hämäläinen, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi
Table 2: Visions: Inclusion as a Strategy for the Future Museum. What do we expect and want to achieve in the future?
Host: Birgit Tellmann, Bundesverband Museumspädagogik e.V.
Table 3: Together: The next steps of the Finnish-German cooperation.
Host: Dr. Matthias Hamann, Bundesverband Museumspädagogik e.V.
15:15 Summary of the discussions