- 21.12.2018
Season's greetings! - 21.12.2018
Artist, apply for the Residency Program for Impossible Performance, DL 31.12.2018n omöjliga föreställningen. Sök senast 31.12.2018 - 21.12.2018
Welcome to join Satakielikuukausi 2019! - 21.12.2018
Survey on foreign-born artists' and arts and culture professionals' employment and work in arts and culture in Finland, DL 31.12.2018 - 5.12.2018
Ei tingitä! Evening for the human rights: Paula Vesala, Hilja Grönfors and other top performers! 10.12.2018 - 5.12.2018
The Threshold Association’s Vimma Cultural Award awarded to Silva Belghiti - 5.12.2018
The Finnish Labour Museum Werstas organises an workshop for multiple senses 18.12. - 5.12.2018
Family circus for children with special needs and their families starts in January in Suvilahti - 28.11.2018
Culture for All has a new employee - 28.11.2018
You can still take part in DiDa 2018 events! - 28.11.2018
Luovuuden polku art exhibition at Raisio town hall 4.-31.12.2018 - 28.11.2018
Nuori Taide – a new forum for young people’s art - 12.11.2018
Disability Day Art & Action 2018 15.11.2018-5.1.2019 - 12.11.2018
Dr Kalle Könkkölä’s honorary seminarium 3.12. - 12.11.2018
LIT NIGHT with Kontur & Ruskeat Tytöt 15.11. at 18.30.-22.30 - 9.11.2018
Pharmacy Museum and the Qwensel House can now be visited in Finnish sign language - 9.11.2018
Reminder: Invitation to Dispel the Greyness Celebration Tuesday 13.11. at 15-18 - 9.11.2018
The National Theatre organizes two performances of Mauri ja mini-isoveli in sign language - 9.11.2018
Nordic Roma Artist Platform projects artist nomination and panel discussion 28.11. at 16-19 - 2.11.2018
Queerit tunteet näyttämöllä ennen ja nyt 5.11. at 17-19 in Lavaklubi - 2.11.2018
Everybody has the right to Mondays -campaign - 31.10.2018
Reminder: DL for applying Taike grants and subsidies is 31.10. and 15.11. at 16.00 - 24.10.2018
Follow In Other Wor(l)ds seminar via live streaming 25.10. - 24.10.2018
Kirjoittava käsi yltää kauas – myös saameksi kirjoittavan? And other tips to the Helsinki Book Fair 25.-28.10. - 24.10.2018
Kalle Hamm’s exhibition New Icons on view during the Queer History Month in the Culture for All’s office - 23.10.2018
Invitation to Dispel the Greyness Celebration on November 13th 2018 - 22.10.2018
A new report calls for an official day for Sami Literature's in the Nordic countries - 19.10.2018
Takaisin valoon (Back into the Light) film audiodescribed - 19.10.2018
Suuntaviivoja – networking seminar for actors special art activity 8.-9.11.2018 in Jyväskylä - 19.10.2018
Turvapaikkana museo seminar at 12-16 26.11. at The Finnish Museum of Photography - 19.10.2018
Selkokeskus has published Selkokielen mittari (Easy to Read language meter) - 19.10.2018
Queer History Month is organised for the first time ever in Finland during 20.10-20.11.2018 - 12.10.2018
White Noise – Communal Installation 15.-20.10. Laituri, Kamppi - 12.10.2018
RFF – Refugee Film Festival 16.-18.10.2018 - 12.10.2018
Place of Origin – exhibition and Indigenous Art in Arctic seminar in Rovaniemi Art Museum 19.10.2018–3.3.2019. - 12.10.2018
Save the date – Dr Kalle Könkkölä His Life and His Work 3.12.2018 at 10-15 - 12.10.2018
Save the date – Festival Normal 6.-8.12.2018 in Umeå, Sweden - 3.10.2018
Seminar 26.10. Today’s Literature, Tomorrow’s Literary History: Do Immigrant Authors Transform Finnish Literature? - 3.10.2018
Vinokino Festival 2018 in Turku 11.-14.10. and Helsinki 9.-11.11. - 3.10.2018
Webb Accessibility Days in November - 3.10.2018
Kenen historia? (Who’s History?) report will be published 24.10. - 3.10.2018
Tänään kotona project develops digital cultural services for the elderly - 28.9.2018
G.A.P. Lab Program at Revontuli Hall at Espoo City Theatre Revontuli Hall - 28.9.2018
Art and culture for Finnish sign-language-speaking children - 28.9.2018
Espoo City Theatre offers this autumn extensive repertoire captioned in English and also in Finnish - 28.9.2018
Silva Belghiti’s Master’s Thesis Viittomakielisen näyttelijän yhdenvertaisuus - 21.9.2018
Results from the audio description inquiry are published and audio described MovieSpeak films this autumn - 21.9.2018
Remember to register for the In Other Wor(l)ds - Nordic dimensions of multilingualism seminar by 24.9. - 21.9.2018
The pilot project for poetry residency in Library deadline 1.10.2018 - 21.9.2018
Application period for the asylum, migration and integration fund (AMIF) ends 1.10. - 21.9.2018
Subsidies for promoting cultural diversity and combating racism – apply in October (Taike / Arts Promotion Centre Finland) - 21.9.2018
Application period for other Taike grants and subsidies that begins on 1 October - 18.9.2018
Sign up your program for the Queer History Month! - 12.9.2018
Get to know the EU Disability Card - 12.9.2018
Outi Pieski’s Cuolmmadit exhibition in EMMA 12.9.2018-6.1.201 - 12.9.2018
Audio described tours in Ateneum this autum - 12.9.2018
Queer Bodies screening at Love & Anarchy Festival 26.9. - 12.9.2018
Taiteen Sulattamo’s Riisuttu elämä -performance is Finlands first theater piece made with experts-by-experience - 12.9.2018
Taiteen Sulattamo’s Riisuttu elämä -performance is Finlands first theater piece made with experts-by-experience - 7.9.2018
Kaikukortti wonn Espoo’s Accessibility Act 2018 competition - 7.9.2018
Paras mahdollinen + (The Best Possible +) Seminar Series for Cultural Prosperity and Participation? - 7.9.2018
Integrated Dance and Theater Days 8.9.2018 - 3.9.2018
Follow Unlimited: The Symposium online 4.-5.9. held in London - 29.8.2018
Saavutettavasti.fi – A new site for accessibility in web content - 29.8.2018
Tasa-arvoasioiden neuvottelupäivät (Gender Equality Days) in Helsinki 10.-11.10.2018 - 29.8.2018
Kaikukortti is a good example according to EuroHealthNet -magazine - 29.8.2018
Open Call: The Opening project and Culture for All service are looking for an illustrator/graphic designer - 24.8.2018
New icons: Sergei and Bacchus exhibition by Kalle Hamm - 24.8.2018
Report on the role of archives in the preservation of queer cultural heritage published - 17.8.2018
Respond to the Culture for All’s Equality Questionnaire - 15.8.2018
Nardin Crisbi from Swedish Arts Council on exchange at Culture for all -service - 13.8.2018
Joensuu Parafest 16.-18.8.2018 - 13.8.2018
Designing for kids: Explore the world in Lyfta’s immersive stories 21.8.2018 - 13.8.2018
Espoo Art Scene – How is Cultural Diversity Going? Seminar 25.9.2018 - 13.8.2018
Heroes and Allies - A Dream of Equal Children's Cultural Services 19-20.11.2018 (Sankareita ja liittolaisia – unelma yhdenvertaisista lastenkulttuuripalveluista) - 7.8.2018
Call for contents for the Nordic seminar In Other Wor(l)ds closes in August 20th - 3.8.2018
Audio described films - 3.8.2018
Cultural center Caisa supports artists and producers by offering office space for free - 3.8.2018
Broadway is becoming more accessible - 3.8.2018
New accessibility instructions for content on the web has been published - 3.8.2018
Unelmia ja digihommia (Dreams and digital things) seminar for cultural actors about the digital relationship to the audience 21.8. - 12.7.2018
Accessible arts and culture for all children - 27.6.2018
Queer History month for the first time in Finland - 21.6.2018
Cultur for all –service wishes all a great summer! - 21.6.2018
Remember the cultural programme of Pride events! - 21.6.2018
Globe Art Point Info -database for artists in English has opened! - 21.6.2018
In Other Wor(l)ds - Nordic dimensions of multilingualism -seminar - 21.6.2018
Multilingual Month 2019 is coming again – want to take part? - 18.6.2018
Please give feedback about the seminar Kaikukortti´s half time - 19th of June at the latest - 15.6.2018
Sasha Huber: Space Race 1 Jun – 26 Aug 2018 in Turku Art Museum’s Studio - 15.6.2018
Kajaani Art Museum has published its Accessibility Plan - 15.6.2018
Oblivia: Children and Other Radicals - 8.6.2018
Helinä Rautavaara Museum 20 years 8.6.2018! - 8.6.2018
Stadin musta sirkus presents: Lumicit - 8.6.2018
Take me as I am -dance event for refugee rights - 8.6.2018
Culture for All -service has a new employee - 4.6.2018
Welcome to Taidesukellus – a creative summerworkshop for youngsters 11.-12.6. - 4.6.2018
Resonaari Fest July 8th at Alppipuisto, Helsinki - 1.6.2018
Sneak peek at Kone Foundation’s Lauttasaari Manor 8.6. - 1.6.2018
Professor Camilla Lindholm to lead a reference group around issues of easy-to-read - 24.5.2018
Cross Over Festival 2018 celebrates with dance - 24.5.2018
Blackness & The Postmodern –publication can now be downloaded - 24.5.2018
Writing competition for young rainbow people - 23.5.2018
New report about Kaikukortti testing in Kainuu area - 23.5.2018
You can still sign up for Kaikukortti’s “half time” seminar – the event will also be streamed - 18.5.2018
X Dance Festival 2018 – Dreams and Imagination 8. 6. – 10. 6.2018 - 18.5.2018
Kulttuuriluotsi webpages are now open - 18.5.2018
Open call for DiDa – Disability Day Art & Action 2018 programme - 18.5.2018
Among two languages. Creative writing for multicultural young writers - 18.5.2018
Helsinki Art Institutions for Equality - 11.5.2018
Support SATEENKAARISIRKUS to move on in the new idea round! - 11.5.2018
SATA2 - saavutettava taideharrastus - A national pilot project open call has started! - 11.5.2018
Special support for museums to pay exhibition fees to artists can be applied for - 11.5.2018
ArtsEqual research initiatives policy briefs about accessible art hobbies are now published - 11.5.2018
Musiikki kuuluu kaikille project produces communication materials for various music events - 9.5.2018
Kaikukortti´s “half time” seminar on May 29 – Free coffee and bun! - 9.5.2018
Call for writings of disabled and Deaf artists: tell your story! - 2.5.2018
The Finnish Reading Center has compiled data on children’s and youngster’s reading habits - 2.5.2018
Sonya Lindfors’ COSMIC LATTE premieres in May - 2.5.2018
Seminar on Multidisciplinary Cooperation in Arts and Social Services 15.5.2018 in Turku - 2.5.2018
Open call by Finnish National Agency for Education for projects promoting immigrant integration - 18.4.2018
#StopHatredNow – Power and Change. May 14th-17th, 2018, Kiasma, Caisa, Ateneum and Lavaklubi - 18.4.2018
Reminder: Seminar about Sámi literature in Rovaniemi 19.4.2018, follow the streaming - 18.4.2018
Audio description education for museum workers - 18.4.2018
The involving Museum II project has started at the Art and Museum Centre Sinkka - 18.4.2018
Culture for all has a new employee - 17.4.2018
Sámi Literature field today – Presentation of a new report in Helsinki 18.4.2018 - 16.4.2018
The Forum of Equality in Culture - Collect, Connect, Create Stockholm, 23-24 May, 2018 - 12.4.2018
Annual meeting and the discussion From #metoo towards equal practices on the cultural field 26.4. - 10.4.2018
Arts Promotion Center (Taike) promotes the welfare of culture with EUR 452,000 - 10.4.2018
Out by Art. Film screening and conversation 20.4. in Moderna Museet in Stockholm - 10.4.2018
Finland 100 – In Rainbow Colors blog posts published together - 10.4.2018
Autismisäätiö 20 years group exhibition at Galleria Art in Kaarisilta 11-22.4. and Kohtaamispaikka Keppuli 4–27 April. - 10.4.2018
Seminar Indigenous Peoples' Cultural Heritage and its Representation in Museums in Jyväskylä 19.–20.4., sign up by 12.4. - 10.4.2018
Project Vertaistaiteilijat (”Peer artists”) at Facebook - 28.3.2018
Guest lecture Racism and anti-racism in the western museum - 27.3.2018
Library's senior work on change – education in Oulu from May 3 to 4 - 27.3.2018
Globe Art Point (G.A.P.) is looking for partners from Art Institutions for the GAP LAB project 2018-2020 - 27.3.2018
Apply for Glow – pilot search for youth groups before April 15 - 19.3.2018
GAP LAB & GAP INFO - 19.3.2018
G.A.P. Open Call for projects in Espoo City Theater autumn 2018. DL March 23. - 19.3.2018
Week against racism 19–25 March 2018 - 19.3.2018
Today is Minna Canth's day! - 14.3.2018
Exhibition: Nordic Outsider craft at the Craft Museum of Finland in Jyväskylä from April 28 to December 2.2018. - 14.3.2018
All in: Aesthetics and Methods in Inclusive Performing Arts. International symposium May 8, Cologne, Germany - 14.3.2018
What a trip! Cultural Heritage of the Finnish Roma at the National Archives in Helsinki on April 5 - 14.3.2018
Kaikukortti won Talentia´s Hyvä käytäntö (”Good Practice”) prize - 12.3.2018
Save the date: Kaikukortti´s “half time” seminar on May 29 – Free coffee and bun! - 9.3.2018
Kaikukortti as Hyvä käytäntö (”Good Practice”) 2018 candidate at Sosiaalialan asiantuntijapäivät (Expert days for professionals at social work). Final in Jyväskylä on March 13, 2018. Still time to enr - 9.3.2018
Finland’s largest art exhibiton online now - 6.3.2018
Museum as asylum - education for museum workers 28.3. in Espoo and 26.4. in Kotka - 6.3.2018
The Arts Promotion Centre allocated almost 700 000 euros for the cultural activities of the disability organisations and to promote the accessibility of culture - 6.3.2018
Suggestions for Proposals: Workshop Näytillä. Esille asetettu ihminen (“Appearing. Presenting a person”) in Helsinki on April 11, 2018 - 6.3.2018
Audio described tv series Donna at Yle Areena - 6.3.2018
The benefits and opportunities of Extended education. An international Art education seminar in Helsinki March 13, two special experts to Finland as key note speakers. Registration by March 7. - 5.3.2018
Culture for All seeks a Planner - 2.3.2018
Seminar Art belongs to the hospital on April 12, 2018 in Espoo - 2.3.2018
Call for papers: International Conference Exhibiting Sounds of ChangesTampere, 12-13th of June 2018 - 2.3.2018
Job Shadow Day April 25, 2018 - 2.3.2018
Oulu Music Festival March 11–24 2018 is hearing accessible - 2.3.2018
Music Finland has published theses for promoting equality, non-discrimination and diversity in the music sector – please sign! - 2.3.2018
Movie Kääntöpiste (”the turning point”) audio described at MovieReading - 28.2.2018
Kaaos Co and Theatre Academy presents Patella – and touch tours on March 15 & 16 - 28.2.2018
Kaaos Kollektiivi – A place to exchange, & develop artistic practices in diversity - 12.2.2018
The search for grants for inclusive projects of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 will start on 12 February 2018 - 12.2.2018
Queer and plain language guided tours at the Taidekoti Kirpilä - 12.2.2018
Seminars Avaimia omaan polkuun (“Keys to my path”) in February in Oulu, Tampere and Vantaa, enrolling now - 6.2.2018
Greetings on Sámi National Day! - 5.2.2018
For deaf ears! (“Kuuroille korville!”) stand-up show with sign language interpretation in Tampere 16.3. - 5.2.2018
Cultural diversity as a theme on national media week on February 5–11 - 22.1.2018
Call for Papers before 15.2.: The Aesthetics of Social Equality: Avant-Garde, Populisms and the People in Moscow May 10–11, 2018 - 22.1.2018
New special grant from Ministry of Education and Culture - 22.1.2018
Save the date - The Forum of Equality in Culture 23-24.5.2018 in Stockholm - 22.1.2018
Registration time extended until 24.1.: A seminar on the whiteness norms and everyday life at the theater field in Finland, 29.1.2018 in Turku - 18.1.2018
Pilot training in Finnish for access auditors in Helsinki in spring 2018 - 16.1.2018
Plain language guide about cultural companions - 16.1.2018
Still time to register: A seminar on the whiteness norms and everyday life at the theater field in Finland, 29.1.2018 in Turku - 15.1.2018
Welcome to the celebration of Finland 100 – In Rainbow Colors on February 2nd! - 8.1.2018
ArtsEqual's recommendations and information packs assembled together - 8.1.2018
Basic Education in the Arts, Equality and Sámi Communities in Finland - 8.1.2018
Tv series Donna audio described - 8.1.2018
Ministry of Education and Culture´s survey for cultural actors on digital work at audience development, DL 22.1. - 8.1.2018
Hobby data bank for special groups at the Helsinki metropolitan area - 5.1.2018
Job opportunity for visual artist: “Cultural Media Trip Through Finland”