- 19.12.2014
Outsider Art in Serlachius Museum Gösta in summer 2015 - 19.12.2014
Season´s greetings! - 19.12.2014
Roll over project is looking for experts by experience - 17.12.2014
New article "From invisible to visible: does the library serve the LGBTI customers?" - 17.12.2014
Tampere Hall won Accessibility Prize - 16.12.2014
Sign language culture event HELsign at Cultural Centre Stoa on 7th February - 15.12.2014
Film "Orkesteri" will be audio described on 4th January - 11.12.2014
Radio Valo at Kansalaisinfo of Finnish Parliament on Friday 12th December at 13-15 - 10.12.2014
Autobiographies of the people with disabilities have been collected - 9.12.2014
Dance Theatre MD: Little Toy Shop will be audio described in February - 4.12.2014
Art museum for all? New report published - 4.12.2014
Minister Viitanen awarded artists with nine Finland Prizes - 3.12.2014
Grants for easy-to-read books - 3.12.2014
Mental Health Art Week 2015 - short film competition - 3.12.2014
Jazz musician Kalle Salonen got Vimma prize - 3.12.2014
Subsidies for multicultural activities and combating racism - 28.11.2014
Accessible arts festival ACCAC 2015, Tampere Hall 11.-14.3.2015 - 28.11.2014
Moniheli´s Multicultural Independence Day Party - 27.11.2014
SeniorenComics/ exhibition in Helsinki 29.11.-18.12. - 26.11.2014
Ilan Manouach has published a tactile comic book - 25.11.2014
Call for proposals: The NNDR 13th Research Conference, Bergen, May 6.-8.2015 - 25.11.2014
The Conscience of Europe report will be published December 9th - 24.11.2014
World became my room, new edition - 24.11.2014
Valoa! Accessible event for young people on Thu 27.11.2014 at 18-21 - 21.11.2014
InterKultFEST 2015 - Open Call - 21.11.2014
Kaaos Company presents: INfloreSense - a sensual world - 19.11.2014
Play "Take off your skin" audio described and captioned - 19.11.2014
Events for all! - 18.11.2014
Intenational Jodi Awards for Accessible Digital Culture - Call for Applications - 17.11.2014
Subsidies for multicultural activities and combating racism - information event about the grant on 25th November - 17.11.2014
whose education? conversation with rector Tiina Rosenberg 19th November - 13.11.2014
Invitation to Kaarisilta Biennale 2015 - 13.11.2014
Dissertation defense about the audio description of film 15th November - 11.11.2014
Creative Time Summit: Programme Published - 11.11.2014
Let´s ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities! Event on 3rd December - 7.11.2014
Dries Veroeven - CECI N´EST PAS… at the Baltic Circle -festival - 4.11.2014
Bold heritage - Werstas Christmas seminar about radical museum work on 16th December - 3.11.2014
The Library in Sign Language opened its virtual doors! - 3.11.2014
The preparation of implementation of The Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage - 3.11.2014
The Accessibility and Diversity of Culture seminar in Helsinki on 19th November - 27.10.2014
Museum Ethichs 2.0: Ethical viewpoints in cultural heritage work, call for proposals - 27.10.2014
Talking photos exhibition in Helsinki 6.-13.11. - 27.10.2014
Audio description seminar in Tampere 1st December - 27.10.2014
Exhibition open at Culture for All Office 29.-31.10. - 24.10.2014
Helsinki Book Fair includes program about diversity 24.-25.10. - 23.10.2014
"Everyone reads" seminar on 27th November - 23.10.2014
Festival Regnbågshelgen in Helsinki 21st-26th October - 22.10.2014
Call for Papers: The Caring Museum - 21.10.2014
Call for contributions for IETM publication, deadline October 31 - 21.10.2014
Make Arts Policy Summit 10.11.2014 - 21.10.2014
A Marvellous Carmen - The Duva/Diva Project in Moscow! - 17.10.2014
The silences of archives - language minorities in archives 6th November - 16.10.2014
Seminar: "Preserving cultural identity in a changing world" 13.11. - 16.10.2014
Jeremy Deller to Conceive IHME Project 2015 - 16.10.2014
Kettuki´s Art Deed 2014 was given to Kultturellia! event - 14.10.2014
Training: Libraries & Easty to read! Joy and inclusion by reading - 13.10.2014
Call for nominees for Vimma prize! - 13.10.2014
Invitation to a course: Audio description of the art - 9.10.2014
National forum on children's culture, 12th November, Kuopio - 9.10.2014
Ealli biras is The Local Heritage Book of the Year - 8.10.2014
The program for the Vinokino film festival has been published! - 7.10.2014
Healthy artist! Viewpoints to the wellbeing of an artist 13th October - 6.10.2014
Exhibition: BRUSH, PUSH, PROD - 6.10.2014
The Finnish Cultural Foundation arranges grant informing event on 9th October - 30.9.2014
The third sector as a resource in the integration process November 5th - 30.9.2014
A course about intralingual translation /rewording starts in University of Helsinki - 25.9.2014
An Intercultural Nordic Region - Seminar on 26 November 2014 - 24.9.2014
This week we celebrate the International Week of the Deaf! - 23.9.2014
CuMMA Discourse Series # 19 - Stefan Nowotny: Suspending the Archive - 23.9.2014
Reading EuropeAn Drama Festival - R.E.A.D#1 6.-8.10.2014 - 22.9.2014
Culture promoting inclusion - workshop 13.11. - 22.9.2014
Outsider art network event on 10.10. - 17.9.2014
Grant: Art for nursing homes / healthcare institutions - 17.9.2014
A project for improving the possibilities of people with low incomes to participate in cultural life starts in Finland - 16.9.2014
The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture: Grants for promoting the accessibility of culture - 15.9.2014
A multisensory exhibition for the blind and partially sighted is now open at Ateneum - 15.9.2014
Welcome to the release of four easy-to-read books in Swedish - 10.9.2014
Cultural heritage belongs to us all - summary of a survey and discussions - 9.9.2014
Kukunor ja unikuu - performance in Finnish Sign Language and Finnish - 8.9.2014
Possible! week 9.-13.9.2014 - 3.9.2014
Seminar: Theatre and multilingualism 26.9.2014 - 3.9.2014
Ahmed Al-Nawas is back in office - 2.9.2014
Sylvi by Klockrike Theatre is surtitled in four languages - 27.8.2014
Small changes can attract new customers - 26.8.2014
The Angel - A multisensory exhibition for the blind and partially sighted - 26.8.2014
Integrated Dance and Theatre Festival in Turku 29.-31.8. - 25.8.2014
A course about plain language for museum workers on Monday 8th of September - 22.8.2014
Norm-critical program at Helsinki Comics Festival - 22.8.2014
The 6th VAKU exhibition in Turku in October - 22.8.2014
Video project Ted by the Family Federation of Finland - 20.8.2014
The New Recipe seminar on 3.10.2014 - 20.8.2014
With All Senses - final seminar on 9.10.2014 - 19.8.2014
"Hard Money" attracted artists - 19.8.2014
European ghetto-installation will be constructed to Helsinki in September - 15.8.2014
Registration is still open! A seminar for authors and writers about plain language books on August 28th - 15.8.2014
Literacy Day Event in Tampere September 8th - 14.8.2014
Roll Through the City 16th August - 13.8.2014
Apply for the Saari Residence - deadline August 31st - 13.8.2014
Art and dance group at Annantalo - 12.8.2014
The Theme Days of the Museum Field 11.-12.9. - 12.8.2014
Call for Papers: NORDIK 2015 — Mapping Uncharted Territories - 12.8.2014
Performance of Valtimonteatteri will be interpreted to Finnish Sign Language 24.8. - 8.8.2014
Lieksa Brass Week developed its accessibility - 7.8.2014
Sealed with a Secret - Correspondence of Tom of Finland 6 September 2014 −29 March 2015 - 6.8.2014
New publication - accessibility tips for events - 4.8.2014
Tom of Finland - DIRTY FRAMES exhibition opens in August - 4.8.2014
InterKultFest 11.-14.9.2014 in Helsinki - 4.8.2014
Parafest in Joensuu 14.-16.8.2014 - 30.7.2014
The Nordic Culture Festival of the Deaf in Turku 30.7.-2.8. - 30.6.2014
A new accessibility guide for cultural festivals published - 24.6.2014
City Ghettos of today explores the invisible borders in six European cities - 24.6.2014
Right to culture! July 25th Pietarsaari - 24.6.2014
Design for All Design Kaleidoscope - proposal for Design for All-based participatory design operations model - 19.6.2014
Artists ABC: ‘Hard Money´ -Grant Informing workshops - 18.6.2014
The strategic paper for accessibility and diversity of the Department of Culture of the City of Pori 2014-2020 has been completed - 18.6.2014
JHS 129 guidelines have been renewed - 16.6.2014
Cultural heritage belongs to us all - 16.6.2014
Ämyrock celebrates 40th anniversary - the theme is equality - 16.6.2014
Freshly published book "Sivuvalo - is this Finnish literature" compiles texts of multilingual writers in Finland - 11.6.2014
Accessible dance course for young people - 11.6.2014
Renovation ready - The Didrichsen Art Museum will open June 12th - 11.6.2014
Taide Kaikki Alla - Art All Over June 14-15th - 10.6.2014
Integrated Dance and Theatre Festival in Turku in August - 9.6.2014
The 29th Helsinki Comics Festival´s themes are Germany and Queer Comics - 9.6.2014
Taike Pride - Equality on the arts field on the viewpoint of HLBTIQ - 9.6.2014
DuvTeatern won the Antonia prize for the best performance of the year 2014 - 2.6.2014
Save the date! The Arts and Audiences 2014 conference - 28.5.2014
A seminar for authors and writers about plain language books on August 28th - 28.5.2014
Audio description at Tampere Guitar Festival - 26.5.2014
Festival Normal - Unlimited! on June 3rd-5th in Umeå - 26.5.2014
Signed weekend at Moomin World July 5th-6th - 22.5.2014
Kehona / Body Sensing Exhibition - 22.5.2014
Taide Kaikki Alla Festival 14.6.-15.6. - 20.5.2014
Kultturellia! -seminar in Tampere 6.6.2014 - 20.5.2014
Welcome to World books 24-25.5.2014. Latin American literature, music, and beyond! - 16.5.2014
9 Gatherings: Migration, Art and Change - 16.5.2014
ARTS UNLIMITED. Strategic approach to working with audiences - 9.5.2014
Seminar 16th May: Encounters - Encouraging Immigrants by Art to Seek Employment - 9.5.2014
The Master and Margarita will be audio described - 9.5.2014
Take the IHME Project´s -work your repertory - 6.5.2014
2014 Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) 15.5. - 6.5.2014
Different learner as library´s customer - 6.5.2014
Cross Over Festival 2014 - 2.5.2014
"An alternative for vitrines" project will be presented on 14.5. at 9-11am - 2.5.2014
Is Finland becoming polarized? A seminar and networking event, May 16-17th - 2.5.2014
Inclusive music activities increase wellbeing and gives work to musicians - 25.4.2014
Kultturellia! - A little different culture festival in Tampere 6.-7.6.2014 - 25.4.2014
The House Keeper will be interpreted to Finnish Sign Language - 25.4.2014
Museums of Lappeenranta City organize a seminar about audience development - 25.4.2014
A brave Gay Theatre go to a tour! - 23.4.2014
Cross All Borders: Hong Kong Festival Showcasing New Visual Artists with Disabilities 2014 - is calling for entry! - 17.4.2014
Welcome to artist meeting 24 April! - 17.4.2014
Theatre captioning project will be completed in spring 2014 - 15.4.2014
ACCOLA -project's year 2 - 15.4.2014
New publication: Engaging the Visitor - 9.4.2014
Multicultural Finland - photo competition - 9.4.2014
Welcome to Nordic seminar about minorities and double minorities on June 4th - 5th - 7.4.2014
Female Culture Days 2014 - Who owns your body? - 7.4.2014
National Day of the Roma People events on April 8 - 4.4.2014
Call for applications: projects regarding cultural and art services for municipalities, deadline 17.4. - 4.4.2014
Tarja Halonen and Rita Paqvalén sign on Signmark´s new music video - 4.4.2014
The working group "Accessibility of Art and Culture" has published its report - 1.4.2014
Romani, Sami and Finnish Sign Language - Finnish community languages - 28.3.2014
With All Senses - Developing Open Learning Environments - project organizes internet lecture series - 27.3.2014
IHME Festival2014 - 25.3.2014
Culture for All symbol bank now available in Swedish - 20.3.2014
Multilingual mind 31.3. - 20.3.2014
A guide to produce information in Sign Languages - 18.3.2014
Seminar: "How to contribute learning with means of music and physical exercise" 15/4/2014 - 17.3.2014
A play: Seitsemän kielen kitaralla - 13.3.2014
Theatre Totti presents: A Finnish Sign Language Show night! - 13.3.2014
Maa ilmassa club: 15.3. Saisba, 4.4. Sandra Melo - 12.3.2014
Professional of art and culture - Do you know what does job planner do? - 12.3.2014
The accessibility of the Olavinlinna Castle will be developed - 10.3.2014
Beyond Technique - Searching for Authenticity Disability-inclusive Workshop in Zodiak 7. - 11.4.2014 - 5.3.2014
Call for proposals: Destinations for All - 4.3.2014
Seminar 31.3.: Accessible information and communication environment - 3.3.2014
Sámi Contemporary - Seminar - 26.2.2014
Petition to promote audio description - please sign! - 24.2.2014
La Bohème will be interpreted to Finnish Sign Language - 22.2.2014
Seminar: Equality in Artist Residencies 10 March - 21.2.2014
"I´m also a Finnish writer!" - Reading Week Event - 21.2.2014
Mental Health Art Week 2014 - short film competition - 19.2.2014
"The Significance of Culture for Wellbeing" 24th March - 18.2.2014
Accessibility guide for theatres, second edition now available - 18.2.2014
My marine museum! A seminar about audience participation in museums, 5th March - 12.2.2014
The winner of NCK´s pedagogical prize 2014 is Jyväskylä City´s "Cultural Guides" - 11.2.2014
Seminar: Equality in Artist Residencies 10th March - 7.2.2014
New Book from MuseumsEtc - 10 Must Reads: Inclusion - Empowering New Audiences - 6.2.2014
A new trainee has started in Culture for all - 3.2.2014
Áillohaš at Lavaklubi Tuesday Feb 4th at 17 - 3.2.2014
Sámi Contemporary - exhibition, seminar and lectures - 30.1.2014
Finnish support for the arts does not discriminate against immigrants - 28.1.2014
State of Waiting in Gallery Augusta - 28.1.2014
Signmark & Seinäjoki City Theatre: a lecture and a performance - 28.1.2014
Syvä syy - the first-year students of Kaarisilta at Gallery Art Kaarisilta - 24.1.2014
Norm critical reading circle in Helsinki - 24.1.2014
Reading ambassadors needed - 23.1.2014
Article about audio described ballet performance - 22.1.2014
What is the future of cultural wellbeing? - 22.1.2014
The final report of the project "Accessibility of Culture" - 20.1.2014
A series of lectures: Minorities, multiculturalism and multilingualism - 20.1.2014
Accessible art group starts in Tampere Jan 25th - 17.1.2014
A seminar about evaluating the accessibility of culture with game and user-oriented methods - 14.1.2014
Absolutely abNormal exhibition open in Pori until February 23rd - 14.1.2014
Seminar: "The effects of diversity of culture to the society and education" on Feb 5th - 9.1.2014
Arts Promotion Centre's Opening Seminar of the Year of the Minorities Wed. 29.1.2014 at 13 - 17 - 9.1.2014
Ekenäs Film Festival - 9.1.2014
The publications of the Effective Circus project online and Social Circus actions on a map - 8.1.2014
A guide to prevent normative thinking in schools - 8.1.2014
Poem nights with DuvTeatern - 7.1.2014
Whose theater? Seminar on February 14th