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Accesibility in general

The cultural participation of people with disabilities or impairments: how to create an accessibility plan

Published by Accesso Cultura / Access Culture in 2021.

The cultural participation of people with disabilities or impairments: how to create an accessibility plan (PDF)

Unlimited: Creating Your Own Access Rider

"Access riders are documents that detail information about an individual’s access requirements. They can stop endless conversations about access by offering a considered and detailed list of what might be needed when, to enable employers, colleagues, and others to simply know how best to support someone without assumptions and guesswork.

The Access Rider Guide contains an introduction to what an access rider is, where and how it can be used and what you might want to include in yours, as well as other resources available that also look at this subject."

Read the Access Rider Guide in your preferred format on Unlimited website

Zine Feminist pedagogies 

Aapo Raudaskoski & Jemina Lindholm 2020. 

Feminist pedagogies: Discussing intersectionality, accessibility and feminist labour [PDF, Google Drive]

Words Matter - An Unfinished Guide to Words Choices in the Cultural Sector

Research publication on potentially sensitive words in the museum sector. Composed by the National Museum for World Cultures (Tropenmuseum, Afrikamuseum, Museum Volkenkunde, Wereldmuseum) (The Netherlands). Published in 2018.

Words Matter (issuu.com, not in accessible form)

The Inclusive design toolkit

The Inclusive design toolkit is a toolkit commissioned by the British BT Group Chief Technology Office and developed in partnership with the i~design research team. The toolkit is made publicly available for anybody to use. It has been developed to support designers and those involved in product development, as well as providing a general guide to inclusive design for businesses. 

Videos about accessibility

The Accessibility Centre ESKE and The City of Helsinki have produced together 30 video clips, that demonstrate the meaning of accessibility in different situations. Videos have been published 2015.

Videos about accessibility: esteeton.fi

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